During September 2023, “Heat Chronicles” was successfully piloted at the La Guàrdia School, a primary school of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, a middle size city situated in the vicinity of Barcelona. During the three workshops of two hours duration, 20 students aged 9-10 years (5th grade) actively co-designed the project: they tested the sensor in their school backyard, decided the two walking routes to measure the temperature and performed the measurements, while self-documenting their heat perception during the walks. During the third workshop, the students collectively interpreted the results from the measurements. This first experience will serve as a basis to design an upscaled collective experimentation process during the summer 2024.
News published at the school website (in Catalan):
“Heat Chronicles” workshops with 5th grade students of the La Guàrdia Primary school. Credits: La Guàrdia Primary school.