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- Written by: Sebastian Harnacker
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 286
From June 17 to 20, 2024, the TU Wien Bibliothek participated in the International Library Staff Week under the Erasmus+ staff mobility program hosted by the University Library of Southern Denmark. This event gathered library professionals from across Europe to discuss sustainability, open science and libraries as citizen science hubs.
A key focus was on citizen science. Sessions included presentations by Thomas Kaarsted, Deputy Library Director and Anne Kathrine Overgaard, Faculty of Health Science, exploring how libraries can engage in citizen science and collaborate with faculties and public entities. Practical workshops led by Thomas Kaarsted provided participants with strategies to initiate citizen science projects in their libraries and arguments for advocacy on starting a citizen science hub at your institution.
Sustainability was another recurring theme, with case studies on sustainable communication, social sustainability and environmental projects. These sessions highlighted the library's role in promoting sustainability and environmental awareness.
The event also offered networking and cultural exchange opportunities, fostering connections among participants and sharing best practices across institutions.

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- Written by: Sebastian Harnacker
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 362
The Urban Heat Stories workshops in the framework of the Citizen Science Award 2024 by the Austrian Agency of Education and Internationalisation concluded this week. Three different schools, making around 100 pupils participated as co-researchers in the workshop series.
Together with the research team of TU Wien Bibliothek and future.lab they gathered valuable data on the social aspects of urban heat. In semi-structured interviews the co-researchers discussed the impact that the urban heat islands effect has on their daily activities.
As part of the workshops heat walks were carried out to measure the actual temperatures and air quality together with the environmental NGO luftdaten.at. After a first presentation of preliminary results in the Data Visualisation Space (Davis) at the TU Wien Bibliothek the results are now being prepared for publication.
Further information: https://youngscience.at/de/awards-und-guetesiegel/citizen-science-award
© Anzhelika Ikonnikova

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- Written by: Sebastian Harnacker
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 314
We are very happy to announce that the TU Wien Bibliothek and future.lab Research Center will receive the Citizen Science Award 2024 by the Austrian Agency of Education and Internationalisation. With this award we will be able to include more co-researchers in our pilot and the participating students will have the chance to win some price money. Working with schools has already been a focus for the "Gumpi" pilot that was carried out last summer and we are happy to return to the classrooms for more engaging discussions.
For more information visit:
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- Written by: Phoebus Panigyrakis
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 775
During September 2023, “Heat Chronicles” was successfully piloted at the La Guàrdia School, a primary school of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, a middle size city situated in the vicinity of Barcelona. During the three workshops of two hours duration, 20 students aged 9-10 years (5th grade) actively co-designed the project: they tested the sensor in their school backyard, decided the two walking routes to measure the temperature and performed the measurements, while self-documenting their heat perception during the walks. During the third workshop, the students collectively interpreted the results from the measurements. This first experience will serve as a basis to design an upscaled collective experimentation process during the summer 2024.
News published at the school website (in Catalan):
“Heat Chronicles” workshops with 5th grade students of the La Guàrdia Primary school. Credits: La Guàrdia Primary school.
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- Written by: Phoebus Panigyrakis
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 697
Last November 6-8, the first accredited University of Barcelona Citizen Science training gathered more than 160 participants. This training was organized by a partnership between University of Barcelona (UB) and The Table of entities of the third sector of Catalonia. The training was especially focused on discussing the social impact of citizen science and was aiming to foster new collaborations between civil society organizations and academic researchers.
“Heat Chronicles” was one out of the nine UB Citizen Science projects that were showcased and discussed during the training. During the roundtable “Experience a Citizen Science project in the first person”, Heat Chronicles was represented by Andrea Esteller, educator a Fundació Comtal, who participated to the first “Heat Chronicles” workshop in July 2023. During the following two days, six Citizen Science key ideas were structured into learning modules: Co-creation, Community, Tools, Data, Ethics and Action. “Heat Chronicles” was critically presented by Isabelle Bonhoure within the Tools and Ethics modules.
All materials are available at the newly created Citizen Science UB webpage and will be soon into English.
Citizen Science Key Ideas: https://web.ub.edu/en/web/ciencia-ciutadana
Heat Chronicles webpage: https://web.ub.edu/en/web/ciencia-ciutadana/calor
Round table: “Experience a Citizen Science project in the first person”. University of Barcelona Magma Room.
Module on Ethics and Inclusion, where “Heat Chronicles” was critically discussed.